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Viewing Sermons on the app

Three ways to view the sermons

So, Sunday has come and gone, but you want to watch the sermon. Maybe you want to watch it because you couldn't catch it in real-time? Perhaps you just want to watch it again to take notes. Or, maybe you just love the sound of Roger's voice and want to hear him in the background so that there's something positive going on in your life. Whatever the reason, I wanted to provide a little more in-depth instructions on how to view the sermons in the app.

1. The latest sermon.

The easiest way to catch the absolute latest sermon is right there on the home page of the app. When you open the app, the first thing you see is "Welcome." Right below that, you will see an image, usually with a sermon title on it. That is the latest sermon.  It usually takes a bit after the service for the sermon video to show up here. It is viewable until Friday at about 5 p.m. On Friday evening, the graphic for the upcoming sermon will be there. This is to allow for people to prepare for the sermon by reading Scripture or anything else connected with the sermon. If the sermon is part of a Connect Group series, you may see questions here on Friday evenings to get ready for Sunday's message.
It usually takes a bit after the service for the sermon video to show up here. It is viewable until Friday at about 5 p.m. On Friday evening, the graphic for the upcoming sermon will be there. This is to allow for people to prepare for the sermon by reading Scripture or anything else connected with the sermon. If the sermon is part of a Connect Group series, you may see questions here on Friday evenings to get ready for Sunday's message.

2. Sermon Series

The sermons at EMSCCHURCH will either be stand-alone (self-contained) sermons or they will be part of a sermon series. This is the way you can view all the sermon series as well as each sermon within the series.  
You've opened the app and see the welcome message and latest sermon. If you scroll down, you sill see the banner labeled "Sermon Series."  If you tap this banner, you will see connect group series, Christmas series, Easter, and many others. Once you tap on the name of the series, you will see all the sermons (to date if we're in the middle of the series) related to that title.  

3. All Sermons

Whether a sermon is a series sermon or stand-alone sermon, you can find every sermon by tapping on the media button on the bottom of the app.  
The earliest sermon you can find this way is from August of 2019.  It could be a lot to look through--especially since we add at least one every week! As a shortcut, if you know the name (or even a word in the title) of the sermon or series, you can use the search option at the top of the app. Try searching for "Doug" and you'll get the audio (we weren't doing video yet at that time) of Doug Anderson's concert when he was here in September of 2019.  You can also use this to find sermons by speaker. Three sermons by Greg Boyland show up when I search for "Greg."

I found the sermon. Now what?

Once you tap this banner, or any other banner, you will see a big "Play" button on sermon picture at the top of the screen. Tap this to view the video. 
Under that will be links specific to that message. You can tap "listen" if you just want to hear the message (and not necessarily watch it). This is helpful for listening to the sermon while driving, cleaning, or anything else that ensures that you don't have your eyes on the device.  You can tap the Download icon to store the sermon on your device so that you can listen to it later. The YouTube Stream and Facebook Stream buttons will take you to the social versions of the sermons. In those, you can interact with others--well, you can see what others have commented and add your own comments.
The "Take a Note" button is just for you. If you have created an app account, all the notes you take will be saved to your account. This means you can search for the sermon even next year and come back and look at your notes. You can add to them as you grow in your walk with Christ.

Other ways

Of course, using the app is only one way you can view the sermons. If the sermon is recent enough, you can go to our livestream resource page for a direct link to the our streaming platform pages. If you go to Facebook, you will also see the social news and such. The other links are video-only links.

If you're on a computer, you can just go to and see the same things. You will see Sermon Series and Standalone sermons. The same links to Facebook and YouTube are there.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us using any of the links below. We'll do our best to get back to you as fast as we can. Thank you and God Bless!
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