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EMSCCHURCH--Now Live Streaming!

East Main is now Live Streaming!

We have ended our weekly radio broadcast as of January 2020. To compensate for this, we are now live streaming our 11 a.m. services. You have several ways to catch our stream. We start right at 11, so log on early if you don't want to miss anything! If you're familiar with the everything, you can find our collection of links to all platforms here.

Why you should participate in our live streaming.

1. You are out of town. Maybe you travel for work, for pleasure, or simply to get away from the cold. In any case, if you are out of town, you can join us live at 11 every Sunday.
2. You are ill. As unfortunate as it is, sometimes we are not at our healthiest. Whether it's a temporary illness or a more sustained condition, you can still join us every Sunday.
3. You are at work. Some of us do have to work Sunday mornings. We found out at our first live stream that some people simply played the audio of the service while they were working. This is also an option for you if your job allows.
4. You don't have a church home. While we encourage everyone to join their local gathering and to have a church home, we understand that sometimes people aren't ready. Join us as often as you would like in person, but join us on the stream if you can't join us.
5. Social Distancing. In today's time, this is something that many are exploring. If you feel the need to stay away from others due to events or conditions of the world around, we welcome you! Tune in with any of these methods below.

How to catch our live stream.

Our 11 a.m. service will be streamed on several different platforms. Join what is convenient for you, but feel free to try out the others for their advantages.
1. Our App. To view the stream on our app, download our app by going to our app page on your phone or tablet.  At the opening page of the app, you will see the service item at the top of the page. The sermon this week, as shown here, is "Living Out Our Identity."  You will see a play icon once  you tap that item. If you don't see or hear a stream, it's just not live yet. In doing it this way, you can take your own sermon notes within the app and save them for later use. Also, all of our sermons are available here--and you can take notes on all of them!
Within our app, you can also take part in the offering by giving through the app.

To explore all the ways you can view sermons by using our app, see our post made specifically for that!
2. Facebook. Alternatively, you can visit our Facebook Page. Here you can comment and interact with others. However you won't have access to the notes as you would on the app.
3. YouTube. We have a brand new YouTube channel for streaming. Here you can see the count-down to the next streaming event. This is helpful if you ever wonder if we are streaming anything besides the church service (special events, etc.).  As we are trying to build the page, it is helpful if you like our channel either way. Our goal is to get 100 followers.
4. Periscope (Twitter). If you use Twitter a lot, you have probably heard of Periscope. If you go there, you see only what we have streamed (like YouTube), and not the other social updates. It is an alternative if you're wanting to just watch the sermons.
5. Twitch. This platform is primarily for gaming. However, some churches are reaching audiences online through Twitch. The added bonus here--if you have Amazon Prime, you actually have Twitch Prime for free! One thing you can do with Twitch Prime is subscribe to a page. One page per month that you subscribe to actually makes money for that channel. If you do subscribe to a church, you are raising funds for their ministry. Even if you don't watch things on Twitch regularly, your free monthly Prime subscription can still go to help the channel of your choice.

Final Thoughts

Watching streams may or may not be for you. However, there are ways you can help our church by visiting any of these platforms.  We appreciate your feedback on anything. God bless you all!
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